Cheddar Cheese Whole Wheat Sourdough Rolls
I’ve been making mostly all white flour breads while down here this visit in Florida. That has been because most of the baking has been for dinner parties and I never know if guests will appreciate whole grains in their bread. So for this bake I decided to sneak a bit of KA WW into the dough, 20%. This shouldn’t affect the softness of the rolls significantly and with the cheddar cheese both in and on the rolls I figured that they wouldn’t be able to taste the WW much at all. I decided to put 6 g of shredded cheddar cheese inside each roll. The void left by the cheese when the rolls baked was the only thing I didn’t like about these rolls. Perhaps in the future I’ll just put the shredded cheese on the rolls or just incorporate the cheese into the dough.
For four by six rolls in a 7.5 x 11.5” pan
egg wash: 1 yolk and 1 tbsp milk, beaten…
Shredded cheddar cheese
Prepare levain the night before or if preparing early in the day, refrigerate up to 1 day before use.
Cook Tangzhong mixing WW flour and milk constantly until it becomes a thick roux. Let cool before adding to final dough. Or add to cold milk and egg to cool it down.
Blend room temperature butter and flour (30 g) together and set aside to incorporate after the dough is well developed.
Whisk together dry ingredients flour, sugar and salt.
To mix by hand, add the salt and sugar to the wet ingredients (milk, tangzhong and egg) to dissolve. Next add the bread flour (190 g), WW flour and mix with a silicone spatula until no dry flour remains. Rest 10-20 mins. Next perform French folds until the dough is well developed. Smear the blended butter/flour onto the dough and then fold to incorporate and then perform further French folds until well developed. Gradually add the mashed potato and knead to incorporate it well into the dough. Form into a tight ball and place in a bowl covered with plastic or a damp cloth @ 82°F for 2-3 hours, some rise will be visible. Alternatively, you could mix the mashed potato and butter and then add the mixture to the developed dough until well incorporated.
Butter a large baking pan or line the pan with parchment. Punch the dough down and then divide into 24 equal portions. Form each into tight boules filling each with some shredded cheddar cheese. I put about 6 g of shredded cheddar into each roll. Place in the buttered baking pan seem side down. Cover them and allow them to fully proof about 4-6 hours, they should pass the poke test.
About 30 mins before the end of proofing time, whisk your remaining egg and milk and then brush the small boules.
About 30 mins prior to end of final proof preheat the oven to 350°F.
Immediately prior to baking brush the dough again with the egg and milk mixture. If you have shredded cheddar left you can sprinkle some over the rolls as well if you like.
Bake the rolls uncovered for 35-40 minutes or until the internal temperature is at least 190F. Cover if your rolls get brown early in the baking process.
Remove the bread from the oven but not the pans and then let cool for 10 minutes before pulling the bread from the pans. You may need to slide a butter knife down the sides of the pan to loosen the bread, but I have found parchment paper to be unnecessary if you greased the pan with butter well.
They look great!
I would keep the cheese on top, but if you're having issues with the cheese in the dough causing a void, you might want to try cheese powder added to the dough. Adds flavor and nutrition. Can also add color depending on what brand you buy.
I’ve never heard of cheese powder before Dave, thanks for that information.
I usually like to incorporate the cheese in the dough which eliminates the issue you had. I’m sure these tasted great anyway.
Best regards,
Yes in retrospect I should have just incorporated the shredded cheese into the dough. I just really hated seeing that void in each roll and had I thought it through would have done things differently. Oh well, they were enjoyed by everyone nonetheless.
I tried incorporating grated cheese in the dough and though the bulk looked just right, the bread sunk enough that dimples in the top resulted by the end of the bake. Maybe it wouldn't have happened if the temp of the bake were more consistent and higher as in a reg oven-- but I did it in Zoji br machine. That is a problem! I will look into the powdered cheese as suggested above, but for blue cheese??
Anyways, cheesy bread / rolls are very appreciated and enjoyed!
Blue cheese powder is available but you probably have to shop on line.
Perhaps the simplest thing to do is just stick to the cheese on top.