The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

96th bake. 08/03/2022. WW, whole rye, BF, discard, IDY.

idaveindy's picture

96th bake. 08/03/2022. WW, whole rye, BF, discard, IDY.

Aug. 3, 2022. 96th bake. Ugly crust -- beautiful and tasty crumb.

The top crust is too flimsy, but, man-o-man, this is tasty. The discard with IDY worked a wonder.






MTloaf's picture

Perhaps a pale ale;-} I am guessing the discard had used up the sugar or the top element is not working in your oven. If it tastes great then that’s all that matters. 
Happy baking

idaveindy's picture

I baked it in my toaster oven, uncovered, and apparently with insufficient steam. And I didn't turn on the top element until too late in the bake.  

The top of the boule was within 1/2 cm of the metal guards protecting the upper heating elements.

And it was likely over-proofed too.  But, yes, excellent taste even with no bread spices. 

I've done semi-decent small boules, all sourdough, in this oven before. So the switch to IDY, the (lack of sufficient) steam, and the timing of the upper element are what's different.