The Fresh Loaf

A Community of Amateur Bakers and Artisan Bread Enthusiasts.

Messy Score

katirconkle's picture

Messy Score

Any ideas why my score appears so messy? Seems like no matter how deep my initial score is, my decorative scoring splits open.

My dough is 75% hydration and it was cooked using a Dutch oven. 

bread1965's picture

It looks to me that your bread is bursting out at the seams - sort of. That's a sign of the bread not being proofed long enough. Try to proof it a bit longer. Maybe prep two loaves and extend them both by an hour and then 90 minutes more for the second and see how you do. If you push too far the second one will flop but that'll tell you the timing of your recipe and environment. Great looking loaf regardless!

katirconkle's picture

Thank you so much! I will try that next time and let you know how it goes!