October 19, 2019 - 4:20pm

Working hours around the world..
Hello bread lovers I want to know how many hours you work per week.
I ask because I live in Greece and here you need to work around 10 - 11 hours a day, 6 days a week.
And you get paid with the minimum wage.
Is this the same all around the world?
Even on countries like Germany or Denmark?
I' m just very curious to know.
Thanks in advance..
Conditions or for bakers in particular?
General working conditions in Canada are 35-40 hours a week and that constitutes full time employment if you are paid by the hour. Wages depend on the job. I am sorry that I don’t have any info for bakers.
Thank you very much for your reply.
No I m talking about bakers.
I just wanted to know if it has to do only with Greece (everything is falling apart with the crisis)
or if it is the same worldwide..
I own a bakery in the midwestern US. My employees work 8 hour shifts, 2-5 days a week depending on their appointment (they work a set, consistent schedule with the same number of shifts per week. For some that is 5 days, for others it is 4, etc.)
Their wages are significantly higher than the minimum wage for our state.
As the owner I work quite a bit more, but that is a different thing altogether.
Of course it depends on many factors in the restaurant/bakery, but in general people work 8-9 hour shifts 5 days a week here in Germany. It's not as hardcore anymore as some decades ago, it's more regulated and employers start to notice that people also value their private life. But still the gastronomy is desperate for workers (actually the handicraft sector in general), which is sad, but not a surprise at all.
Usually the gastronomy pays minimum wage, but if your bakery/restaurant is a bit fancier (you sell steaks, not bratwurst) or you are in a higher position, you get paid more.
Thank you for your reply.
Nice to hear that because I m really desperate with all that long hours for 6 days a week and all that to get paid with the minimum wages.
I hope one day that I can live and work in a better and more developed country.
Here in S.A. we have a 48 hour working week, normally a 9 hour that incl 1 hour lunch.
But in bakeries its different, there you have to work according to production, management is normally 2 people, day shift manager and a night shift manager, and normally there's 3 shift going, from 06h00 to 14h00, 14h00 to 22h00, 22h00 to 06h00.
In California (USA) full-time employment is 40 hours/week. If you work more than 8 hours per day, any overtime is paid at the 1.5 times the regular rate. The employer also must provide 10 minutes paid break every 4 hours, and a 30 minutes unpaid break before the end of the 5th hour. If no break is provided the employer will have to pay to the worker amount equal to 1 hour of work for every violation.
The pay rates start at the minimum legal state rate of $12/hour, but some cities can set it higher, for example in San Francisco the legal minimum is $15.59/hour. The highest rates depend on the experience, and can go up to about $22/hour, although I don't know anyone personally who earns this rate. I would say an experienced baker in San Francisco can easily get around $20/hour (summer/fall of 2019).